Changes, 3 Ripe Old White Men, and a Fresh Woman of Color

Watching 3 ripe old white men and a fresh woman of color clash and challenge each other for the highest offices in the land, is a refreshing long overdue change. The changing of the guard. Real change is finally on the way.

Two white men in their 70s, one in his 60s and a woman in her 50s. A woman who may become president, but in all probability will be the Democratic Party presidential nominee in the future. Truly historical.

America’s Founding Fathers, all white men – young and old – envisioned an American Republic embracing Human Rights and the ideals they spelled out in America’s Foundation Stones. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

A country in which all people can live free with liberty and justice and pursue happiness.

It has taken women, Indigenous People and People of Color more than two centuries after the founding of the American Republic to get the right to vote. But now that they have, a smarter, impatient, new generations of all colors, weaned on social media, is doing something about seeing the Founding Fathers ideals take shape and fall into place.

The Democratic and Republican Conventions were a metaphor of how politics and the political landscape in the upcoming brutal battles for the White House and Congress will be fought in the New World Disorder – unconventionally and virtually – with the necessary tools mastered by the younger generation and the Twitter Twit in the White House.

How beautiful. A virtual presidential campaign feast to behold, admire, embrace, and pray it is not going to lead to America’s third violent revolution.

The flap on the front cover of my third book in the Custom Maid trilogy, Custom Maid Revolution for The New World Disorder, introducing the subject and content of the book reads:

“Revolution – People Power This book explores the injustices that have generated the Third American Revolution. The first and second American revolutions were limited to America, even though they inspired the French and many other failed revolutions. The Third Government of the people, by the people, for the people is not only a political cornerstone of the U.S. Constitution, but of China and other countries that adopted the Founding Fathers’ political agenda and ideals. The scriptures of all major religions warrant a promised land to those who act righteously. It’s a concept America’s Founding Fathers understood, grasped and got America’s patriots to adopt and rally behind in the First American Revolution.

The Civil War that resulted in the abolition of slavery in America was the nation’s Second Revolution – a much bloodier revolution than the first. Hopefully, the nation’s Third Revolution, unlike the first two, will be bloodless.”

A rallying call for all Americans, especially the apathetic young, to talk to each other and then go and vote was spelled out in volumes one and two of the trilogy, with volume I, Custom Maid Spin, for New World Disorder, published in 2004 reminding us on page 16 that:

“Shakespeare reminds us that the past is prologue. Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein paraphrased the Bard. The difficulty is that we have to know what to look for to better understand each other’s nuances and textures. Knowledge brings tolerance and understanding.

We have to look way out and way back, so that we are better equipped to look way in, at our country and ourselves. The present is the product of the past. The future will be the product of the present that we create./i>

I hope this trilogy will be thought-provoking. Its primary purpose is to stimulate personal multi-generational dialogue and debate between grandparents, parents and children be they dropouts, nerds, social rejects, loners, gifted, generation-Xers, professionals with degrees or just plain ordinary folks. Hopefully, the discussions that start at home will provoke each family and community to decide how it should live and interact with others and bring an end to the current deaf dialogue of the apathetic.

It is time America sobers up from its moral and political hangover. By doing so it will be able to identify and deal with the real enemy. We the Apathetic People. The American Constitution and Declaration of Independence have to be revisited so that We the …can clean up our act so we can better understand our diversity and distinctions as a common humanity. It’s up to us to write the obituary for politics as usual. Radical times require radical changes.”

America Please Vote for a Just and Prosperous Future!

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Illustration: Mark Caparosa

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