The history of democracy – and how messy it is — in America and Greater China (mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) is also compared as both countries have democratic roots. Chinese Democracy, Marxism, Digital Dictatorship and Common Prosperity are compared to America’s political system in an attempt to clarify the differences and benefits of democracy and autocracy.

The judgments against the police officers who murdered George Floyd, and other Black men, is analyzed along with the challenges raised about Police Reform. What law enforcement agencies in America and worldwide can learn from the Hong Kong Police Model is also shared.

Hong Kong as the US-China Bridge and why America has to re-think its current Hong Kong policy is tackled forcibly with the legal arguments supporting my position that both America and China’s Hong Kong policies need to be reconsidered.

Why US-China ties are necessary to avoid Armageddon and how America and China can work together to lead our bipolar world is proposed– starting with climate change, space, fighting pandemics, and infrastructure.

I also propose that America and China blend and fuse the best of their political and economic systems to introduce Compassionate Capitalism as their new joint vision and mission for the world – starting in Hong Kong — Democratic Capitalism with Judeo-Christian Western characteristics, fused with, Authoritarian Socialism with Buddhist-Taoist Chinese characteristics.


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