“Chock full of information. Incredibly rich”

Ron Saxon, WNTI, Hackettstown, New Jersey

“A clarion call. A blockbuster.”

Bill Bertenshaw, WOR, New York City

“A well reasoned critical look at American culture, media and political spin.”

Jordan Rich, WBZ, Boston

“A great book on how Americans can retake, remake, reshape & fix America.”

John Nuzzo, WMBA, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

“De Krassel documents the social, political and cultural ills affecting America” –

Mary Jane Popp, KAHI and KSAC, Sacramento, California

“… totally provocative but in the process, Peter highlights some conveniently forgotten home truths. An absorbing read …”
C.P. Ho, Hong Kong member, Chinese Peoples’ Consultative Committee
“Peter de Krassel does not pull his punches … America is rotten to the core.”

Karl Wilson, Agence France-Press

“A manifesto on why the U.S. must re-orient and clean up it’s act to survive, thrive and continue to guide guide.”

Sybil Tonkonogy, WNTN, Newton, MA

“de Krassel provides a piercing and compelling snapshot of today’s world taken with a wide angle lens. His penetrating observations of the shifting sands of our globe offer a snapshot of the future taken with a telephoto lens. It’s an unsettling look at ourselves, seen through a mirror. A must read.”

Zev Yaroslavsky, 
Supervisor, Third District
County of Los Angeles

“de Krassel addresses the self destructive culture, sexual, religious and political hypocrisy in America today…the U.S. presidential election sets the stage for America to seriously rethink and restructure its domestic and geopolitical policies.”

Xia Wenhui, Xinhua News Agency

“A huge and heroic effort to plan for the World – and particularly America – in the belief that it can be turned into a different shape. De Krassel is either mad or a seer or both.”

Stuart Wolfendale, columnist, The Stardard (Hong Kong)

“The book protests our dependence and reliance on Middle East oil and encourages conservation and alternative environmentally friendly sources of energy”

Bill Mazer, WVOX, New Rochele, New York

“Radical ideas. de Krassel is committed to a great cause and a very significant mission.”

Richard Carswell, Author of “From Success to Significance” and “The Ultimate Selling Secre

“The FCC has found its own Michael Moore, no not the one who headed the World Trade Organization for a half term, but that gadfly of American politics, the author of Stupid White Men.

 His FCC equivalent, Peter de Krassel, however, has the advantage of experience not limited to the borders of the United States alone and his targets for stupidity in Custom Maid go a little wider than white men alone. 
The result is a wide ranging catty read – Hey, wake up, the world is moving on and will leave you behind if you stay stuck in yesterday’s way of thinking. The style is vintage Michael Moore right down to that 
folksy chat way of writing and digressions that catch the author’s mind but leave you with the titter of a punch line as the reward for veering aside.”
Jake van der Kamp, columnist, South China Morning Post
“Peter de Krassel is mad, but then he has a lot to be mad about. Some people channel aggression with a gun, but not Peter. Instead, he picked up his pen and wrote the kind of book that you talk back to. Custom Maid provides a response. My copy is full of notes in the margin, only a few of which say Amen, brother! I don’t agree with everything in Custom Maid. The book hasn’t changed my life. But, something in the back of my mind, where I can’t quite put a finger on it say, ‘…yet’.”

David O’Rear, Chief Economist, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.


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