Breach of Faith

The passing of Pope John Paul focused the world’s attention on Rome and the Catholic Church. Many American Catholics felt betrayed by the breach of faith exhibited by the Church when they saw the former head of the Boston diocese who was forced to resign over the Boston sex scandals officiate at the Pope’s final mass. The breach of faith so cavalierly and arrogantly displayed by the church was a reminder of the Church’s repeated breaches of faith.

Religious slush funds serve a myriad of purposes. Monsignor Emilio Colaiovanni, who lives in Rome and has counseled Pope John Paul, was charged with fraud and conspiracy by U.S. federal prosecutors because he pledged $1 billion from the St. Francis of Assisi Foundation charitable foundation that he ran as collateral to Martin Frankel’s insurance scam. The Monsignor had his own slush fund set up with the $40,000 he received from Frankel as the down payment for the additional $5 million he was promised.

What about the suicide, murder and gay sex that belie the pomp and circumstance of the 500-year-old Swiss Guard? In their dated uniforms designed by Michelangelo, the private army is dedicated to ensuring the Pope’s personal safety. It arrived in Rome in 1506 to protect Pope Julius II from infidels. Today it is protecting itself from the events of May 4, 1998, when the bodies of the newly appointed commander of the guard, Alois Estermann, his Venezuelan wife and 23-year-old Vice-Corporal Cedric Tornay were found in the Estermanns’ Vatican flat.

The discovery of the body of Roberto Calvi, “God’s Banker”, found hanging on Blackfriars Bridge in London on June 15, 1982, has led investigators into the close-knit web of the Vatican’s criminal dealings with Italy’s prime ministers, bankers and mafia godfathers. The murdered body of Calvi, disguised to look like a suicide, led police investigators to the secretive right-wing Masonic lodge called Propaganda Due, or P2. Calvi was a member of P2 which has been linked with Nazism and by some theorists to the assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro and the unexpected death of Pope John Paul I, both in 1978.

Gone With the Wind in the Vatican is an account of intrigue, homosexuality, money smuggling and corruption within the Vatican bureaucracy. Written by Father Morinelli, who worked in the Vatican, the book and writer clashed head on with Vatican censors.

“The book does not question the sanctity of Jesus Christ, the Eucharist or the Catholic Church,” Morinelli said. “It just points out that the Vatican is made up of men, who, like me, are flawed.” So flawed that they even refused to admit that the Vatican radio antennae may have spread cancer faster than religion. The residents of Cesano, a suburb north of Rome, were subjected to emissions from Vatican Radio transmitters that broadcast Roman Catholic programs to five continents. The Vatican, invoking its status as a sovereign state, refused to comply with Italian safety regulations until the Italian government threatened to cut off power to the station.

If the flaws of the Catholic Church are to be remedied in the New World Order, American Catholics have to take the lead, just as they did in the pedophile sex scandals. The American Roman Catholic Church is the third largest in the world. It has over 63 million members. It is unlikely that an American will be elected Pope. It is therefore up to We the Maids to sweep the Vatican clean of feudal ideals in the 21st century.

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