New World Disorder

Hong Kong, April 11. On September 11, 2001, a Hong Kong judge enjoined my wife from proceeding with her second divorce and custody proceeding in Shanghai. Later that day, terrorist kamikaze bombers tried to torpedo the freedoms of America and the Free World to the cheers and toasts of many mainland Chinese. They were happy even though Chinese nationals also died in the attack.

The acrid personal and Sino-American geopolitical parallels contain many lessons. America has to derail the tortured relationship and contribute to the demise of the cultural and political misunderstandings the two major Pacific powers have of each other as we embark on the 21st century. I’m talking of both people and governments. Good relations between America and China are indispensable for all humanity if terrorism is to be defeated. America and China both have a common enemy against whom they should join forces to fight together in the new millennium.

When I went to Ground Zero to see firsthand the jagged remains of the humbled smoldering Twin Towers, I felt I was witness to a temporarily crippled self-impaled America. The spiritual idea of the Founding Fathers is in agonizing pain. People grieved not just for the dead, injured and their families but for America.

Like the public-address system in the World Trade Center that announced it was safe for people to return to their offices, the public pronouncements of politicians are nothing but hypocritical misleading lies that we have been conditioned to believe and accept.

Government intelligence agencies failed to “protect” America and its citizens. Government commissions, committees and knowledgeable experts repeatedly warned the U.S. government of the imminent terrorist threats, corporate implosions, and the dangers they pose to America and its citizens. How much more do taxpayers have to pay for these commissions and committees whose recommendations are swept aside?
The government deliberately chose to ignore the warnings while America’s career politicians coddled and sun-bathed with their corrupt corporate campaign donors and the petro-dictators and monarchs who financed terror. The career politicians decided to create an artificial, easily identifiable enemy. Not a mysterious enemy hiding in the shadows among us. China fitted the bill perfectly.

China is the career politicians’ ideal enemy of the 21st century. A communist dictatorship that is easily identifiable. An illusory enemy with drastic fatal consequences to America. Corporate America’s domination of government and suicidal terrorists and the dictators and monarchies that oppress and suppress their families while financing their terror are the real threat to the New World Disorder.