
The UN’s inability and failure to do anything about the Darfur genocide is a replay of the 1994 genocide of Rwanda and another example of how dysfunctional and irrelevant the UN is in the 21st century. “Call it a civil war. Call it ethnic cleansing. Call it genocide. Call it ‘non of the above.’” Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said. “The reality is the same: There are people in Darfur who desperately need the help of the international community….We concluded – I concluded – that genocide has been committed in Darfur and that the government of Sudan and the Janjaweed bear responsibility, and that genocide may still be occurring.” Nearly two million black non-Arab Africans have been displaced with estimates ranging from 250,000 to 400,000 killed by the Arab militiamen known as the Janjaweed, a name that means “devils on horseback”, since February 2003. Over 50 percent of the displaced people lack access to adequate food. The UN estimates up to four million people were at risk of famine.

Where are the African-American Muslims who equate “Zionism to Racism” when their black brothers in Sudan need them? Why are they more loyal to the religion of the slave traders who kidnapped their forefathers than their black brothers?

Massacres continue in the presence of lightly armed UN soldiers who are instructed not to use force. All the UN can do is merely say it is the worst humanitarian disaster in the world today – despite the fact that the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, signed by the U.S. and 134 other countries obligates signatories to “prevent and punish” genocide where it is occurring. The UN investigation into the human rights abuses in Darfur concluded the violence there was not genocide. The opposition to punish has come from Arab countries that are sympathetic to Khartoum and from Security Council members, such as Pakistan and China that are heavily invested in Sudan’s emerging oil industry. Sudan produces 250,000 barrels of oil a day and the government announced in 2003 that significant discoveries had been made in Darfur.