Change, Real Change We Can Believe In!

President Trump’s changes, incoming National Security Adviser John Bolton, new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — two hawks when it comes to China, Russia, Iran and North Korea — imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods, expulsion of largest contingent of Russian diplomats, advocating and encouraging closer relations with Taiwan, willingness to meet with North Korea’s reclusive Kim Jong-un, that forced Kim to take the family train to Beijing to mend fences there before his upcoming meeting with South Korean President Moon Jai-in and Trump — his first such visit since coming to power — are real changes we better start believing and accepting.

Traditional policy parameters and goal posts have really moved. President Trump is not a traditional president going through the traditional political and bureaucratic shuffles with the entrenched establishment like his predecessors. He is a businessman taking a business approach to what he believes needs to be done to make America Great Again.

The latest polls confirm Trump’s political moves are indeed trumping his sexual escapades and Mueller investigation. His approval rating is the highest it has been since he settled into the White House.

His approach — let China, Russia, Iran and North Korea know he means business on all fronts. He wants them to honor their commitments, stop stealing America’s intellectual property, cheating and lying to America when it comes to government subsidies, trade, political meddling and nuclear proliferation. He is not bluffing either. And guess what? He is being taken seriously by Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and the Ayatollahs. Their behavior, guarded remarks and responses being the best evidence.

Recognizing a real threat is on the horizon tends to joggle the traditional political rhythm, domestically and internationally. It triggers immediate attention and recognition that an acceptable response is in order.

Real change leads to real adjustments. Adjustments we see China, North Korea making and hopefully Russia and Iran will follow suit.

Real change and adjustments are the only way to avoid economic and military confrontations on the battlefields of trade and war.

The drum beat of real change is a welcome change to politics as usual!