Foreign Policy Priorities

by Peter G. de Krassel

The Obama administration launched its first-term foreign policy with the president making his historic speech at Cairo University. Some experts cite that speech as the spark that ignited the Arab cleansing. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton headed to Beijing and other Asian capitals on her first foreign overseas trip in 2009, putting the world on notice that America was interested in developing a closer relationship with China – and did – at the expense of Europe and the Middle East, the leaders of which complained they were being ignored and neglected by America.

President Obama decided to refocus America’s attention on Europe and the Middle East in his second term, sending Secretary of State John Kerry to nine capitals in both regions immediately after Kerry took office in February 2013, as the president headed to Israel in March 2013 in the hopes of restarting the Middle East peace process, instituting economic reforms in Egypt, and saving the eurozone.

With China and Japan staring each other down their gun scopes over the Diaoyu Islands, isn’t that where America should be focusing its attention to avert a potentially devastating war?


China Warns Japan Ahead Of Legislative Session

Taiwanese, Japanese ships confront near Diaoyu Islands


photo of John Kerry by Cliffords Photography, 2008 CC