Barack Obama

Second Term Blues

by Peter G. deKrassel

The IRS, Benghazi and AP record seizure investigations all point to a Republican Party determined to not only derail Obama’s second term agenda – and impeachment.

Obama is only the 16th president to be elected to a second term. Quite an achievement actually, but one overlooked by most mainstream media. The other sad fact is that all second-term presidents went through political hell, Bill Clinton’s impeachment being the most recent example, something Obama is already being threatened with because of his gun control executive orders and proposals to Congress. The Republican threat to derail Ambassador Rice’s nomination as secretary of state and former Senator Chuck Nagel as secretary of defense made it clear that nothing will be easy for the president in his second term.

The current trifecta of congressional investigations confirm the Republicans’ determination to derail the president’s re-election. Hopefully, Obama will fare better than Clinton in his second term and won’t be subjected to an impeachment proceeding. That will allow him to lead America back to the global pinnacle of leadership – alongside China.

Obama and the America he leads can define America’s future leadership role for decades – if not the rest of the 21st century – and beyond. Just like President Abraham Lincoln did when the country was wretchedly divided. Lincoln cut all kinds of deals, as the movie Lincoln accurately portrays. America’s true political leaders fought for what they thought was right for the country, not the party, and made their case to the people along the way. Obama, like Lincoln whom he has studied and admired, did what was right for America when it came to the fiscal cliff, IRS and Benghazi. The AP record seizure is another matter.

Photo by MC2 Kevin S. O’Brien/US Navy