Beleaguered Friends in Need of A War

“Iran must be stopped,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his Oval Office meeting with President Trump last Monday — their fifth since Trump’s inauguration 13 months ago. “That is our common challenge” he added and went on to say that Iran had emerged from the landmark 2015 nuclear deal “emboldened and enriched.”

“We are very close on trade deals; we are very, very close on military and terrorism and all of the things we have to work together on,” said President Trump who has threatened to walk away from the nuclear disarmament accord and may do so as soon as May, when the next deadline for certification of Iran’s compliance to Congress comes due.

Both leaders and their family members are the subjects of criminal investigations. Trump for possible collusion with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election and Netanyahu for corruption, conspiring to manipulate news coverage and bribery.

Both leaders are unpopular at home and are hoping for a political boost from the visit.

Both leaders are faced with former aides and confidants becoming prosecutor’s star witnesses after cutting plea deals with their investigators in order to stay out of jail.

Both leaders want to end Iran’s military presence in Syria and terminate the Iran nuclear deal put together by President Barack Obama and European leaders.

It should therefore come as no surprise that the Trump-Netanyahu meeting probably centered on Iran and how to stop its military adventurism in the Middle East and neutralize its nuclear ambitions. After all, the best way for both leaders to detract their critics and stop the criminal prosecutions is a war. Find a common enemy of the people and focus their attention on a fight to distract the public from domestic troubles at home. A war with Iran fits the bill perfectly for both leaders.

One thought on “Beleaguered Friends in Need of A War

  1. Thank you for your precise analysis. I fear that not many see through the dark clouds surrounding both leaders the clear picture you described. I could say very cynically, that both are willing to sacrifice the life of others to maintain their seat.

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