Are We Alone?

The taboo subject of UFOs, like so many other traditional cultural taboos, is finally being discussed and openly debated. Recent news stories about declassified video and audio show U.S. pilots encounters with UFOs. “What the **** is that thing?” one pilot can be heard saying in a video. “Oh my gosh, dude! Look at that flying!” another exclaims in the report released last Friday by To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a private scientific research and media group.

It is led by Hal Puthoff, a NASA and U.S. Department of Defense adviser, and James Semivan, a former CIA official.

The new video comes soon after two other declassified videos of supposed UFO sightings by U.S. Navy pilots in 2004 were published by The New York Times in December.

I have discussed UFOs with pilot friends of mine who have told me they have also personally seen UFOs. So have I — and so can you. A couple of years ago, I went on a UFO tour in Sedona, Arizona. That’s right. A UFO tour. Not in a UFO, but in a 4-Wheel Drive at dusk with a group of 8 other curious tourists like me and a tour guide. We were all given a pair of infra-red night-vision binoculars with instructions on how to differentiate commercial aircraft from military planes, and satellites from UFOs.

Sedona is one of earth’s energy Vortex that attracts UFOs. Many of the people on these tours according to our tour guide, are pilots. Older pilots bringing younger pilots who haven’t seen UFOs and question the older pilots’ sightings. “They want to show and convince these younger pilots that there are UFOs. So they bring them on this tour.”

Our tour guide was “Taken.” She shared with us her experience of being Taken by little creatures. So did Joe Benites, a friend of mine, about his sister when I told him I was going to Sedona. Joe was born and raised in Arizona. “We all thought she was crazy when she kept telling us she had been kidnapped by aliens and taken away on a space ship,” Joe told me as he reflected on his sister. “Then one day this chip fell out of her shoulder, a very small chip implant that no one knows how it got there,” Joe added. “That’s when we realized she wasn’t crazy and was telling us the truth all these years.”

My partner who was with me when Joe shared his story, asked our tour guide if she knew or had heard of implanted micro-chips. “Oh yes. Absolutely! The nano-technology is so advanced that the scientists at NASA can’t figure it out. From what I hear, they believe the technology is at least 50-years more advanced than anything our scientists know today,” she answered definitively.

The evidence of UFOs merits a serious government program, assuming a classified one doesn’t already exist, to share what it knows and educate the public about the galaxies around us, what we know about UFOs, their pilots, passengers and home planets, to ensure our future inter-galactic encounters are not based on fear and ignorance, but knowledge, so that they are not hostile — but friendly — very friendly.

The alternative, in the words of recently departed greatest living scientist Stephen Hawking, who did not rule out the existence of aliens, “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”