The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia are detested by both the Shiites and Hijazis, the two largest groupings in Arabia, because they have been treated as second class citizens by the Wahhabis ever since the Al Saud family made their pact with the Wahhabi clan that enshrined its extreme fundamentalism as both the religion and law of the land.
Other tribes, especially those from the border region with Yemen, also have little tolerance for the Saudi royals and their extreme Wahhabbism. Many in Saudi Arabia, especially the Hijazis still regard the Hashemites – including the Jordanian royal family – as the legitimate rulers of the region. The Saudi royals forced the Hashemites out of Arabia with the support of Britain that enthroned them in Iraq and Jordan.
The borders of Arabia have to be re-drawn to include the Shiites in Southern Iraq, present day Jordan and the proposed Palestinian State. Interlocalism will allow them to interlocalize as one country of Arabs with different religious beliefs as they have done going back to biblical times.
Let’s not forget that successive U.S. administrations built up Iraq to protect Saudi Arabia from Iran. When that didn’t work America went to war twice with Iraq – again to protect the Saudi kingdom. The Saudi royals and their Wahhabi hard-line fundamentalism have been described in open congressional hearings as the epicenter of terrorism. Is this a grouping We the Apathetic People want to continue to keep in power in the 21st century so they can continue to forment terror? Isn’t it time We the Maids sweep them out and sweep in interlocal borders that allow all the tribes in the region to prosper in peace from their oil resources instead of just one family?