Great Wall of China

Failed Empires

Ancient empires and their symbols, from the Parthenon of Athens and the pyramids of Egypt, to the Great Wall of China, the epic monuments of the ancient world not only remind us of the builders, greatness, but the forces that toppled such vigor and genius – the powers and pitfalls of career politicians, scheming religious leaders, jealous aristocrats and merchants and military disasters on which the lives of millions depended. The one thing they all have in common is the fact that they failed to stave off their own demise.

I hope this blog and my books can contribute to the forces that will stop America from continuing to stumble blindly down the same imperial highway to ruin.

The only way to do that is if the class warfare between the rich and their well-financed career politicians and lobbyists reach a fair and equitable political truce with their employed and unemployed employees and the unions that helped them line their pockets and bank accounts, without either side bringing along their respective career politicians or lobbyists. The best and fastest way to do that is to truly get down to the principles laid out in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers – not just the Supreme Court. The alternative is a global political and economic Armaggedon as predicted by the Sumerians and Mayans.