Hong Kong. January 23, 2005. When it comes to free trade Vice President Dick Cheney acts and talks as if America is in the forefront. The global warrior against protectionism. His demands that China open it’s markets to U.S. manufactured products and services sounds like a broken political record. For decades America’s mantra to the world has been Leave it to the market. State governments should not intervene. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to trade with China.
China is a convenient political scapegoat. Trade imbalance, devaluation of the Chinese yuan, quotas and U.S. sanctions if China fails to comply have become the political rallying call of politicians fighting for votes. So much so that the Department of Commerce set up a political team to ‘take care of China. Commerce Secretary Donald Evans is leading the charge in speeches across America.
Isn’t it time for America to start practicing what it preaches? Isn’t it time America stopped imposing quotas, tariffs and sanctions that protect campaign donors for their unprecedented campaign contributions? Isn’t it time for America to get up front and lead the free trade opportunities with China?