America’s Human & Physical Infrastructure is Third World

Watching California Governor Gavin Newsom, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, take matters into their own State’s hands to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic — not wait for the gridlocked partisan federal government – White House, Congress, Bureaucratic Agencies or Supreme Court, is a refreshing reminder of the State Rights given US by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.

Two Democratic governors with rich American Blue Blood financial and political lineage – unlike Republican President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel – doing what’s right for the People First, not the party or re-election campaigns this election year.

True Blue Collar Billionaires taking care of the people. State governors challenging and questioning the President and Congress.

Challenging the federal government’s response to a pandemic killing Americans of both political parties, regardless of political affiliation, race, religion or sex.

Regrettably, their decisive actions to prevent the spread of the virus, highlights America’s third world status when it comes to humane human care and national physical infrastructure. Subjects I have written about extensively in my Custom Maid for New World Disorder trilogy and blogs.

A subject I started delving into after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, when Bush 43 and FEMA displayed the administration’s incompetence and America’s shortcomings as a third world country.

George W’s hollow promises of handling the disaster, as Louisiana’s National Guard rescued people and relocated them to the New Orleans Convention Center, mirror Trump’s promises of an Easter Resurrection, as New York’s National Guard build field hospitals in the City’s Javits Convention Center and Central Park, while National Guard assist the public get around in New Rochelle – as U.S. Navy hospital ships dock in New York and Los Angeles Harbors to provide more beds and medical facilities.

Scenes reminiscent of the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia and the Earthquake in Haiti in 2010.

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Illustration: Mark Caparosa