Diplomacy, Rodman Style?

Writing and posting this blog from Northern Cyprus, where I am visiting this week, while chomping on a nice Cuban in a local café, I couldn’t help think and reflect on all the divided countries and how traditional elitist diplomacy has failed and why maybe, just maybe – granted it is a little far-fetched – the Trump diplomatic apprentice, cigar chomping Dennis Rodman and his “basketball diplomacy” might just be a viable alternative diplomatic option.

Korea is not the only divided country that has global geopolitical powers on the opposing divides of North and South that traditional diplomats have failed to resolve and reunite. Cyprus is another reminder as I look at the barbed wire fence dividing the Turkish North from the Greek South. Back in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan are a constant reminder of the divide between the Communists in the North and the Nationalists in the South.

The Middle East is littered with divides. Turks and Kurds, Iraq, Syria, ISIS Caliphate, Yemen, Palestinian Authority and Hamas, not to mention Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Qatar embargo by its regional Arab neighbors being the latest addition.

Traditional diplomacy has failed to bridge any of the long simmering divides in Asia or the Middle East. North Korea has been the thorniest and most urgent to tackle because of its growing nuclear arsenal and Kim’s frustration at not being given the recognition he thinks he deserves.

Rodman’s five-day fifth visit last week gives Kim the publicity and recognition that may be just what is needed to get North Korea to the negotiating table. Let’s not forget that Rodman, notwithstanding his tattoos, piercing and colorful hair dos, is considered one of the best defensive players and rebounders in NBA history. He won five league championships – and he was Trump’s Apprentice for two years!

America does have to change its failed decades-old North Korea game plan. A new defensive play and player may be just what is needed.

One thought on “Diplomacy, Rodman Style?

  1. Seems whilst you’re in Cyprus I’m in Hawthorne, CA USA within earshot of Los Angeles Airport chomping a Taco Bell & breathing moderately polluted air.

    Your comments about DPKR are understood but for me not complete enough.
    Why? As I see it If we have a Narcissist Sociopath, born into family where it is part of their familial pysche that such behavior is advised, how specifically can Dennis get through to Un that his path is that of Saddam’s? Eventual Doom.

    We thought Kadfhi got the message when Mr. Reagan shot a rocket through his personal bedroom as he got quiet. However when unclothed after his demise we found that he had only gotten more narcissistic .

    Because both men herein are true characters in their own right; I agree Dennis has a “shot” to close out the game. Here’s where you can help me better understand; if you were his coach what would you specifically advise Dennis to accomplish the task.

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